We accept Shopify Payment and PayPal.
Sales tax will be charged when applicable.
Shopify Payments is available in 150 countries and is owned by Shopify. It is powered by Stripe, a global leader in online payments. Also, Shopify Payments is PCI-compliant. They comply with cardholder information management standards set out by credit card companies worldwide. This helps protect buyers' data and keep them safe when making purchases. Shopify Payment allows payment through all major credit cards, such as Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and many more.
PayPal is a method for purchasing your order. It enables any individual with an email address to securely send payments online. With a paypal account, you can choose to pay with your credit card, debit card, bank account, or paypal account balance for any purchase you make. Your credit card and bank numbers are never seen by us plus, you're 100% protected against unauthorized payments sent from your account. Paypal customer service representatives are available to assist you at 1.888.221.1161.